A Summer Dream

This June, Bridges of Peace and Hope is working to make our dreams for the future a reality. A more peaceful world will be a more connected world, centered on community and the values we share as humans with hope in our hearts. In this world, everyones talents are recognized, their individuality and identity are validated, their faults are met with love, their dreams with tools for actualization. How can we bring this world to be? By dreaming, by doing, by daring to have hope!

This dream is alive in the eyes of the students we are blessed to work with. They are ready and willing to change the world and they know they can. It is our job to encourage them, to keep that flame and fire stoked with knowledge and the tools for change.

As Eleanor Roosevelt reminded us, “the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” We believe in the future, we believe, in your dreams! Share them with us throughout the month using #adreamisabridge


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